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Although our initial membership was capped at 25, the number of races which the mare Wakeful won, in recent years we have opened up the Membership as we aim to support and encourage the networking of women within the racing and breeding industry.





To become a Member of the Victorian Wakeful Club you need to be nominated and seconded by 2 current full members of the club. Your form should be returned to the secretary of the club accompanied by a photograph and a short personal profile detailing your interests in horse racing and thoroughbred breeding and also outlining why you wish to join the Victorian Wakeful Club.




Once your application is received, it will go before the Committee and the Members of the Club, who then have 14 days to lodge any objection against your application. Once approved, we would invite you to attend our next General Meeting or Social Event where you will be presented with your silver 'W' pin and introduced to the other Members of the Club.


Cost: There is a once of joining fee of $175.00 and an annual membership fee of $155.00

Please complete a Full Membership form below and return it to the Secretary ( 



Completed Membership Application Forms can also be posted to:

Secretary, The Victorian Wakeful Club, PO Box 3103, Mornington, VIC 3931









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